Tuesday, 28 July 2015

For performers

This will be a songwriters' circle: three artist on stage taking turns to play. They may contribute to each others songs (see below). There'll be two 45-minute sets with a 20-minute interval. You'll probably need half-a-dozen songs. It will take place on the second Wednesday of each month.

Craft Corner
I'm encouraging performers to talk a little about their writing:
Why you write
How you write
What it means to be a songwriter
Which songwriters you admire and why
Which song-writing forms/styles/techniques you use and why
Anything else you thing an interested audience would be interested in

At some point in the evening it would be nice, too, if you chose a song and briefly talked about one aspect of songwriting technique relating to it and why you chose it for this song. It could be the musical style or genre, the chord changes, the rhyme scheme, choice of chorus/refain, etc. (The story, the tale of the song, is not what this is about. That is usually addressed in the performance. What we're interested in here is songwriting craft and technique.)

Perhaps you could find a couple or more songs that your co-performers could contribute to on the night; a harmony, a little rhythm guitar, a lead line. If you could arrive a little early to chat things through, it would be good.

The club will generally major on singer-songwriters performing solo.

Before you play
Please let me have a biog, a photograph and links to websites and web-based songs - at least one month in advance.

It's hoped that we can built a roster of artists who will re-visit and perform on a regular basis - perhaps six or twelve-monthly. As a performer at SCE you'll be part of a community. Be kind and look after it like you would your neighbourhood.

The club will always rely on you to bring some audience with you. Eventually we hope to build a 'club' following, but this event is your thing, and we need your help with bodies. And it would be lovely if you felt moved to tell your other audiences about it - even when you're not doing the gig.

Social Media
Please give your attendance at the club maximum exposure on social media. Include this blog and our Twitter moniker - @SongClubEast - in any posts.

Attending as audience
It would be good if artists who are not performing will drop in to see others at work - bring friends!

Clearing away
The room will need to be tidied. Many hands...

The door-take will be split evenly between the players after expenses are deducted.

And: rules...
... are made to be ignored when appropriate.

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